
In Conversation With: The Pilates Class Founders – Tash & Jacqui

In Conversation With: Tash & Jacqui

We sat down with the beautiful Tash Oakley and Jacqui Kingswell to learn more about The Pilates Class, what a typical day in their life looks like and their must make meal from the recipe guides.

Where has your passion for fitness, Pilates and wellness come from? 

Tash: Consistently working out and eating a healthy, balanced diet has always been a massive part of my life because it is what makes me feel my best. I used to go through lulls where I was unmotivated and could go months without working out, but now that I’ve found such a deep love for Pilates, I cannot go for longer than a week without getting on the mat because I know my mind and body will thank me for it. I’ve recently been going through my own health journey post COVID and it’s really made me take a step back, listen to my body and lean into the holistic, wellness approach Pilates offers.

Jacqui: I started ballet at the age of three, so dance and movement have always been part of my life. I trained with a lot of international dance instructors, and it was actually them who introduced me to Pilates to complement my training with restorative exercises. I can remember the day that I understood Pilates and all the benefits it offered. It completely changed my body, how I danced and my outlook on movement. Pilates has been fundamental to my overall health and fitness for most of my life and the benefits are just so incredible that I couldn’t imagine my life without movement.

What does well-being mean to you? 

Tash: Health truly is wealth and we should always be grateful for it and consistently take care of ourselves. Our overall well-being is such an amazing, powerful thing and really nurturing not just our body, but also our mind, is of the utmost importance.

Jacqui: Working with some of the greatest teachers and mentors in the world has taught me to love, respect and care for my body and learn the importance of a holistic approach to health and well-being. Understanding what your body needs and really being kind to yourself through the small choices you make can have the biggest impact. From feeling energised and choosing a really intense class, to opting for a meditation for a more restorative practice; accepting the ebbs and flows of life help you to understand what your body needs in that particular moment and honour it without judgement. 

How did The Pilates Class come about? 

Tash: Prior to the pandemic, I was already training with Jacqui in Sydney. I loved her passion and her drive, and I knew that she had something amazing to offer. I felt that Jacqui’s classes changed not only my body, but my overall mindset around fitness. From the first day I walked into her class, I knew this was the one. Jacqui’s technique is so on point and is one of the best I’ve seen anywhere in the world.

Jacqui: At the time, lockdown had just begun, and I’d launched a small subscription platform for my existing Pilates clients. I thought it was quite interesting that there was demand even in that space. Tash, being the savvy businesswoman she is, saw this demand and realised that it could be much bigger with the right branding, marketing, and team, and that’s when we decided to partner. I already had immense respect for Tash, so the decision seemed so natural for us.

What are your own personal fitness routines like, and what keeps you both inspired? 

Tash: I do try to keep a fitness routine but it’s not usually ideal, especially with my busy schedule and my travels. What helps me is following the weekly schedules that we post on our TPC app. When I’m extra motivated, I will put on my ankle weights and do an Intense workout, or sometimes it’s a Satisfying booty burn class. This is the beauty of our platform. You can open the app at any time and do what feels right at the moment. At the moment, I am also really enjoying my daily walks where I apply my Pilates principles and finishing off with a Stretch or Calm class from the TPC app. My family is what inspires me, and this includes my Monday Swimwear and TPC family.

Jacqui: This highly depends on how I feel that day, how motivated I am and how busy my schedule is. I do practise Pilates a lot and I love the Team Sweat classes, but tend to switch it up from time to time. If you are feeling low in motivation, I recommend following a weekly schedule, setting your activewear out the night before and turning to your accountability partner for a pick-me-up. I often see this within our TPC Community and it really inspires me. I love hearing how our members transform their minds and bodies, and this gets me so motivated in what I do. 

What are some of the benefits of Pilates? 

Tash: If you look at a Pilates exercise, it looks so simple; but the reality is, it’s actually really tough. Although, like anything, the more you practise, the better you get at it. I think for me the best benefit of Pilates is the mind and body connection. You just feel so present in that moment. 

Jacqui: Being aware of your body is one of the greatest benefits of Pilates. You are able to create this mind and body connection that creates this physical change within. A lot of the workout requires control and balance which, in turn, gives you not only flexibility, but also strength. This is why I love Pilates, because I am able to practise these principles on and off the mat and apply it in my daily routine.

What does The Pilates Class program entail?  

Jacqui: Our program entails over 220 workouts ranging from 5-60 minutes, with 11 different categories across three intensity levels, so you can really tailor the class to serve your needs at the time. Our ‘Chill’ classes are really nourishing and are designed to leave you feeling rejuvenated and grounded. Our ‘Satisfying’ classes are all about lengthening and sculpting while still feeling a nice burn. And finally, our ‘Intense’ classes focus on challenging our members to experience that deep burn and really sweat it out.

What are some non-negotiables to you when it comes to health and fitness? 

Tash: Honouring my downtime! I live a really busy lifestyle running three businesses so putting time aside in my week to wind down is super important. Whether that means having a bath or going out for dinner with friends, finding the balance is essential to avoid burnout.

Jacqui: Stretching is non-negotiable for me. It is one of the most nourishing things you can do for your body, it helps release tension and also prevents injury. I also can’t go without my 15 minutes of sun exposure per day to reach my vitamin D intake and get those endorphins flowing!

Can you talk us through what a typical day in your life consists of? 

Tash: I do a quick touch base with all my teams early in the morning, usually after I wake up. I like to smash out my fitness routine early, so I would typically do an intense TPC class to get my day going. Then, I normally have a breakfast smoothie, of course from our Energize Me recipe guide, and go on about my normal day-to-day. Typically, I will start winding down as the evening approaches and grab a bite to eat or cook a healthy meal.

Jacqui: In the summer, I try to fit in an ocean swim right after my workout because there is no better feeling than jumping into the water after a hard class. Plus, the ocean is truly amazing for the soul! Every day at TPC is really different and that’s what I love about our company, however, I also really love routine, so I try to stick to a strict schedule both morning and night. As soon as I wake up in the morning, I drink a large glass of water and hop straight on my mat. From there, I’ll go for my swim in the sea (if it’s warm enough!), have a matcha and then jump into work for the day. After work, I cook a recipe from our Nourish Me recipe guide to help switch off. Dinner is always followed by herbal tea and dark chocolate whilst I read a book in bed. Of course when I’m travelling it’s much harder to stick to this routine, but I’ll still stay active and eat foods that nourish me. It’s all about balance!

Do you follow any morning rituals to get you ready for the day, or night time rituals to help you wind down? 

Tash: I like to start each morning with a meditation and repeat positive mantras or focus on my breath.

Jacqui: Haha yes, everything above! I really love my daily routine!

What is your favourite The Pilates Class challenge or class? 

Tash: My favourite would be the Pilates Boxing class. It’s a full body workout with a little bit of HIIT.

Jacqui: Honestly, they’re all my favourite on different days. I know that’s cliche, but it’s true! If I had to choose one, it would be the Team Sweat, which is a Pilates full body workout.

Must make recipe? 

Jacqui and Tash: The OG salad! It’s from the Nourish Me recipe guide and is a forever favourite.

Favourite workout playlists? 

Tash: My Spotify playlist, ‘Sweaty Pilates’, for sure.

Jacqui: For me, it would have to be The Pilates Class’ Spotify playlist, ‘Team Sweat’. I just have that on repeat throughout my day.

What’s next for The Pilates Class? 

Jacqui and Tash: We have a lot of exciting things lined up for the new year. We have so much in the works for The Pilates Class and our entire team is always working on the next thing and how to make this platform the best for our members and we can’t wait to share it with them!

What excites you about partnering with Osborn House? 

Jacqui and Tash: This partnership felt so well aligned with TPC and our core values. Osborn House is so beautiful and you really feel like you’ve escaped the hustle of the city and get to switch off in the serene countryside. Being on the property really gives you a calming, wholesome feeling and allows you to centre yourself. We’re so excited to have a little piece of TPC within the House, with our mats and ankle weights in every single room and a complimentary month of TPC for each guest!

To you, what is it about the Osborn House experience that makes it so special? 

Jacqui and Tash: It’s just so beautiful here. It has incredible views of the most beautiful countryside in Australia, the people are so accommodating and there’s just this really calming energy throughout the property. The combination of all these factors is really what makes the experience so special – it is just the perfect retreat!


The Pilates Class is an online, technique focused Pilates Studio that can be used anywhere in the world. Whether you’re craving a stretch session, an ab workout, a cardio burn, or all three – there’s a TPC class for you! 

Now, all guests staying with us at Osborn House will receive a complimentary one month subscription to The Pilates Class. All equipment needed is provided in each suite and the Osborn House gym. 

Roll out your mat and get ready to enjoy TPC!